Use "emigrate|emigrated|emigrates|emigrating" in a sentence

1. All emigrated

2. I'm seriously considering the possibility of emigrating.

3. They planned to emigrate.

4. It means taking into account the possible spiritual costs of emigrating.

5. He considered emigrating, but his family managed to dissuade him.

6. I flirted briefly with the idea of emigrating.

7. The men emigrate to work as seamen.

8. Go back there? I'd sooner emigrate!

9. In 1959, he emigrated to Russia.

10. There is no cash transaction in eMigrate.

11. How long ago did your parents emigrate?

12. Droves of dispossessed people emigrated to Canada.

13. Over 100,000 people have since emigrated to Germany.

14. His parents emigrated from Poland before World War II.

15. Other individuals emigrate and become permanent residents of other nations.

16. He emigrated to Australia as a young man.

17. It's no wonder you all emigrated to America!

18. Many emigrated to Australia to seek their fortune.

19. Many people had to emigrate during the Nazi period.

20. In order to survive, the Prophet decided to emigrate.

21. About 50[ ],000 hopeful job hunters are queuing to emigrate.

22. Certain formalities have to be gone through before one can emigrate.

23. Albert Einstein emigrated from Germany to the United States.

24. My father emigrated to Australia from Germany in 1949.

25. Along with her family, she emigrated from Jordan to North America.

26. The attending physician, Mikhail Yureyovich, emigrated to the U.S. in'08.

27. Later they emigrate to Pittsburg, but can never escape their tangled past.

28. There is no need for them to emigrate to make money.

29. They decided to emigrate to the live in New York.

30. You have to go through certain formalities before you can emigrate.

31. Many people have to emigrate leaving the women and children behind.

32. He's decided to emigrate and start a new life in America.

33. Certain formalities have to be gone through before you can emigrate.

34. Whatever the reason, more Britons are emigrating to Australia today than at any time since the 1950s.

35. Everybody was flabbergasted when I announced I was going to emigrate to Australia.

36. 19 For all I know she may have emigrated to Outer Mongolia.

37. In 1848 only 400 people emigrated on the Overland Trail to California.

38. Compartments is an animation film by Daniella Koffler and Uli Seis about a young Israeli Woman who emigrates to Berlin.

39. Of Cuban descent or to someone who has emigrated to the U.S

40. When Gary was fourteen, he and his mother emigrated to Nice, France.

41. Smith's mother grew up in Jamaica, and emigrated to England in 1969.

42. Around 240,000 Spaniards emigrated in the 16th century, mostly to Peru and Mexico.

43. Already, 150 people emigrate each week, draining Hong Kong's talent, wealth and middle-class ballast.

44. As with all Aberdeens outside Scotland, it was named after the original Aberdeen City by Scots emigrating from home.

45. We failed to feed a starving people, leaving millions to die or emigrate.

46. He no longer wishes to emigrate and is planning to write his memoirs.

47. After their liberation and the end of the War, most opted to emigrate to Israel.

48. It normally takes six months from filling out a form to getting permission to emigrate.

49. The famines and pogroms in 19th-century Eastern Europe forced many Jewish refugees to emigrate.

50. My grandparents had emigrated from Japan to Hawaii, and my parents were Buddhists.

51. They emigrated from the coastal plains to the mountains some 300 years ago.

52. We readdressed all his letters to Australia for years after he had emigrated.

53. Upon Libya's independence in 1951, most of the Jewish community emigrated from Libya.

54. 18 European families emigrating from their homelands were encouraged to immigrate into Australia after World War II.

55. 25 Economists warn that enormous pressures could build up, forcing people to emigrate westwards.

56. The family decided to shake the dust off their feet and emigrate to Australia.

57. Political changes in eastern Europe opened the floodgates to thousands of people who wished to emigrate.

58. She was inhibited from making the decision to emigrate by the thought of her mother's loneliness.

59. Coptic Christians make up 10% of Egypt's population, and many are emigrating from Egypt because of religious tension

60. Until I emigrated to America, my family and I endured progressive ostracism and discrimination.

61. Low Countrymen emigrated to the interior, often temporarily, to take advantage of employment opportunities.

62. She was raised in South Africa, where her family emigrated after World War II.

63. It does not have much of a diaspora, since native - born Americans seldom emigrate permanently.

64. Bely emigrated to Berlin temporarily, where he found a publisher, and made massive cuts to the novel

65. Azzam and his wife, Sara, emigrated from Turkey to Germany, where they raised three children.

66. 1 The famines and pogroms in 19th-century Eastern Europe forced many Jewish refugees to emigrate.

67. Thereafter, convinced of the honesty of this policy, Seminoles and exiles readily came forward to emigrate.

68. In 1681 he instituted the policy of dragonnades, to intimidate Huguenot families to convert to Roman Catholicism or emigrate.

69. People wishing to emigrate would no longer need to prove that they had close relatives in the destination country.

70. Whether companies would carry out their threat to emigrate is debatable, with the huge costs that it would entail.

71. John Baring emigrated from Bremen to England and started a small wool business near Exeter in 1717

72. Before the First World War, Wolf emigrated from Germany to Cuba, which became his second home.

73. He and his family fled during the Mobutu regime and in 1993 emigrated to Liège, Belgium.

74. My husband’s great-great grandparents brought Cannas with them when they emigrated from Germany in 1883

75. Forced to emigrate in old age to escape famine, he admits that his days have been “few and distressing.”

76. When I finished medical school, my goals were to become a good neurosurgeon and to emigrate to another country.

77. A 2011 survey showed that 60% of Chinese millionaires plan to emigrate, mostly to the United States or Canada.

78. David Bailie was born in 1937 in South Africa, going to boarding school in Swaziland and emigrating to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) with his family in 1952

79. The Neo-Aramaic-speaking Jews emigrated to Israel in the early 1950s, and their language was superseded by Hebrew

80. 17 The family emigrated to New Zealand in 19 which seemed a wonderland in comparison with post-war England.